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The things becoming a mother makes me do...

Big announcement I thought I would never make: I now offer baby photography!

Until now weddings have really been my favourite, because of the rush of adrenaline when I know that these moments will be gone unless I immortalize them for the bride and groom. This feeling that a moment in time is so special that it needs to be captured, and quick before it disappears, is the very reason why I love photography. This is also why portraits in a context other than weddings didn't really appeal to me as much... Until now!

Now being motherhood. When my little one turned a month old I spent a few moments sobbing because I had no idea time would go so fast, and I regretted not having taken enough pictures -terrible thing for a photographer I know- when he was still only just a sleepy newborn. With babies and children, they grow and change so fast, since I've had my little boy I now get the "must photograph here and now" feeling that drives my photography.

So here it begins, the adventure of capturing little smiles, and I am so very excited for it!

Concretely I opted for a black background that lets the personality and unique features of your little one shine; see example above of my baby enjoying a time in front of the camera today. Simple and easy to put up anywhere in your home really. For tiny newborns, the arms of mum and dad are great, for toddlers they can simply sit or stand as they are most confortable. For babies in between like mine, who wriggle but don't quite sit yet, I'm carrying around a bumbo seat, which can help.

As a starting offer I will be giving a FREE PORTRAIT* to any visitor of the Little Pickle Market on the 8th July at 11:00–12:30 in St Peters Church Hall, Laleham Rd, STAINES TW18 2DX. I look forward to seeing you there!

* I will take a couple of shots and send you the best one, edited, via email after the event. Offer limited to one portait per participant. Of course siblings, mums and dads can jump on the picture too!

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